...............................................................Welcome from Albie Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska,........................................................
Creators of The Online Marketing Academy!

GDI Portal

Do NOT Start this Training if You Have Not 
Finished YBY Training Step One!


The Power Of GDI
Part I 

Creating Duplication

 If you want to see the GDI calculator to see the math quickly and
how duplication can create a six-figure income in GDI,
then just click the link below:

Plug in 6 (direct referrals at $1 each)
and 6 (# of level 2-5 referrals at $1 each).

Click on GDI Calculator link below: 



................................So again, here is another example of the “The Power of
................................One“. Even though the Power of One gives the example
................................of getting one new member a month, you have to realize
................................I’m talking about leaders here and leaders should be able
................................to do more than one a month. Leaders also duplicate as they
................................are willing to do the work!  

................................Still, the Power of One will work, even if you only get 
................................one membership a month, teach your team to do the
................................same, and don’t getsidetracked.

................................See more about the Power of One inside of the 
................................YBY Step 1 Training.

................................Another reason for the success of this system is that your
................................team can grow under you and you can earn from them
................................5 levels deep in GDI. And this is just an example of using
................................6 team leaders to start out with. I helped build 12 team
................................leaders in a year and a half (but that’s just me). Some of
................................you can do better and of course, I can’t guarantee results.

................................However, this is just to give you something practical to work
................................with. Again, reality comes into play and you will lose team
................................leaders too. But if you’re persistent, you will succeed and
................................your growing vision will pass on to others.

................................Use the information on this page to get started in the right 
................................direction with GDI: HERE




GDI Strategy 

Part II
Two Strategies: 

Two ways to succeed: 
ONE: Spend Tons of money advertising OR 
TWO: Create duplication 
..................................................................Let’s examine the strategy everyone can afford: Duplication 
..................................................................Duplication works with HOLDING peoples hands and building trust. 
Trust, Focus, & Vision 
  • .............................1. 'Hold people’s hands' and show them you can help them by
  • .................................placing members under them.
  • .................................GDI is a great program for this exact reason as we can place
  • .................................members under each other 5 levels down and still earn from it.
  • ..............................2. Teach them the skills.
  • ..............................3. Help them up when they "fall down".
  • ..............................4. Guide them on the path BUT don’t "CARRY" them.
  • ..............................5. Moving your team from “Cold” to “Warm” to “Hot”.
  • ..................................Move them successfully from one step to the next. 
  • ..................................Focus on helping them.
  • ..................................Don’t worry about high ticket sales with them, concentrate
  • ..................................on just helping them. Sure you can earn more at the beginning
  • ..................................promoting HBA or PLS to your new prospects but you can't earn
  • ..................................their trust as well with them in these programs.
  • ..................................If you want to promote HBA and PLS in addition, I encourage
  • ..................................you to do so on Udimi solo ads and move them into GDI through
  • .................................YBYon the backend as you get to know them.
  • ..................................Moving them successfully through YBY to higher earnings for
  • ..................................them and for you: GDI to HBA and then PLS. It's worth the wait
  • ..................................as you build trust and help your team succeed!

Part III
Setting Up Your GDI Website 


We look forward to helping you! Email us at: 



We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692

